September 9, 2018

serena, you're not the only mom in the world who's had to get back to work after time off!

didn't watch serena's match last night, but have read various perspectives and watched replays. my instinct is that she behaved poorly, as she's done in the past while not playing her best. it irks me that she brought up the fact that she's a mom into the conversation with the umpire. she's not the only mom to go back to work after time off--everyone else too has to fight to get back to where they were.

it's unfortunate that all incidents in the past (including the recent french open outfit issue) are being pulled into this thread of the world against serena. the defence should stick to the facts of this match.

and enough already about mc enroe. he was an asshole. women's standards DON'T have to be that. if she's fighting for women as she says she is, then don't fight like a man. we'll all be the better for it.

September 6, 2018


rainbows in the sky
so many after so long
bright. bold. beautiful.