March 21, 2009

Languageu lessonsu

I've learnt a fair amount of Telugu in the last three years, no credit to the book that I bought soon after I moved to Hyderabad in 2006. Not only was the vocabulary useless (the first word in the list was 'causeless') but also the presentation was just terrible. Anyway, it turned out that the better source for Telugu lessons were my house help teaching me more slang and dialects that would turn out to be more useful on a day-to-day basis.

But my 'unending quest' to continue to learn made me go back to the vocab page in this book. Among the many other useless words written up, I came across two that made me 'rofl'. The words for telephone and principal. In TelugU and just like the title of this post!

Any guesses?


smusti said...
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smusti said...

TelephoneU and principalU, is this correctu?

random rambler said...

yesU except it was spelt principaalU!

Inder said...

there is this joke... end hindi or tamil with a 'U' - that is telugu.. :)

random rambler said...

Inder, I haven't heard that before but seems like its true :). thanks for the comment.