One hand steered the wheel while the other did the rest –
switched gears, collected money, handed back change, gave out tickets and brushed
off the occasional stray-away hair that fell on his ‘tilak-clad’ forehead. All
with that same practiced smooth motion. It was an almost-rehearsed rhythmic
sequence of events that hinted at the repetitive, somewhat monotonous nature of
his job.
Driving a bus around Bangalore was no joke. Throw in a bus with
just one door for entry & exit and no conductor to man the people-traffic? No
joke at all! At the best of times when traffic was lean, maybe he flashed a wry
smile. Most of the time however, he was probably at his grumpy efficient best.
He had to be. For he was a multi-tasker, juggler, acrobat, artist – all of it
rolled in one.
To think that we use the term Superhero for heroes that rescue their lady loves from hanging buses.